Bridge Road Children’s and Community Centre, Victoria, Australia
A fantastic opportunity for us to work with Cundall Consulting Engineers and to have a bit of fun with our installation. Children come to the Centre to play and learn so our luminaires needed to enhance their enjoyment, as well as compliment the space.
The Bridge Road Children’s and Community Centre project was a fantastic opportunity for us to work with Cundall Consulting Engineers and to have a bit of fun with our installation. Children come to the Centre to play and learn so our luminaires needed to enhance their enjoyment, as well as compliment the space.
The centre had a very unique style, with a tilted ceiling and a long, angular hallway. We suspended Kleo LEDs in the main foyer using wires that matched the angle of the ceiling, allowing it to cast its strong beam into every corner. We also placed some recessed LED Advances in the entrance way, resulting in a warm, welcoming glow.
The long hallway was no trouble at all, as our luminaires and fittings can be made to cater to extra-long lengths.
But now for the fun part. The Bridge Road Centre is bursting with colour and shapes, from the blue tinted windows, the bright orange cupboards and purple squares and triangles on the floors.
To blend our solutions in with this canvas of creativity, we added powdercoats of yellow, red and orange to the wire suspended classroom fittings, which were built in L and Y shapes. We also installed blue diffusers in the black Kleo’s in the foyer areas, which casts an uplight matching the blue tint of the windows.
It just goes to show that not every project has to be all work and no play…